New Task Screen

Use this screen to create a task. Tasks are viewable on your calendar after they are created.

Description of fields on the screen

Field Label Description
File Options associated are Save and Close, and Save and New.
Actions There are no options associated with this button.
Help This option launches the CCC ONE Online Help screen.
Save and Close A toolbar option that saves the document and closes the screen.
Save and New A toolbar option that saves the document and the New Task screen.
(document header) The blue document header displays the repair order summary information: RO Number, Owner, Vehicle (year, make, model), License (plate number), Estimator, Insurance Company, and Exterior Color.
Task Type Select a type from this droplist. The values in this list a set up in your repair facility profile.
Calendar Select the calendar icon to open the Calendar screen.
Assigned To Select the employee that is to be assigned to this Task.
Due Date Select or enter a due date. The current date is the default selection.
Time (droplist) Use this droplist to specify a time.
Workfile The RO number is displayed in this field. This field is disabled.
Comments Enter any comments about this task.
Close Event Select this option to close the Task. You must also select a status from the droplist.
(status droplist) Select the status from the droplist.

See Also

Creating a Task







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